DeepDiff Changelog
v5-2-0: Removed Murmur3 as the preferred hashing method. Using SHA256 by default now. Added commandline for deepdiff. Added group_by. Added math_epsilon. Improved ignoring of NoneType.
v5-0-2: Bug Fix NoneType in ignore type groups
v5-0-1: Bug fix to not apply format to non numbers.
v5-0-0: Introducing the Delta object, Improving Numpy support, Fixing tuples comparison when ignore_order=True, Dramatically improving the results when ignore_order=True by running in passes, Introducing pretty print view, deep_distance, purge, progress logging, cache and truncate_datetime.
v4-3-3: Adds support for datetime.time
v4-3-2: Deprecation Warning Enhancement
v4-3-1: Fixing the issue with exclude_path and hash calculations when dictionaries were inside iterables.
v4-3-0: adding exclude_obj_callback
v4-2-0: .json property is finally removed. Fix for Py3.10. Dropping support for EOL Python 3.4. Ignoring private keys when calculating hashes. For example __init__ is not a part of hash calculation anymore. Fix for #166 Problem with comparing lists, with an boolean as element.
v4-1-0: .json property is finally removed.
v4-0-9: Fixing the bug for hashing custom unhashable objects
v4-0-8: Adding ignore_nan_inequality for float(‘nan’)
v4-0-7: Hashing of the number 1 vs. True
v4-0-6: found a tiny bug in Python formatting of numbers in scientific notation. Added a workaround.
v4-0-5: Fixing number diffing. Adding number_format_notation and number_to_string_func.
v4-0-4: Adding ignore_string_case and ignore_type_subclasses
v4-0-3: Adding versionbump tool for release
v4-0-2: Fixing installation issue where rst files are missing.
v4-0-1: Fixing installation Tarball missing requirements.txt . DeepDiff v4+ should not show up as pip installable for Py2. Making Murmur3 installation optional.
v4-0-0: Ending Python 2 support, Adding more functionalities and documentation for DeepHash. Switching to Pytest for testing. Switching to Murmur3 128bit for hashing. Fixing classes which inherit from classes with slots didn’t have all of their slots compared. Renaming ContentHash to DeepHash. Adding exclude by path and regex path to DeepHash. Adding ignore_type_in_groups. Adding match_string to DeepSearch. Adding Timedelta object diffing.
v3-5-0: Exclude regex path
v3-3-0: Searching for objects and class attributes
v3-2-2: Adding help(deepdiff)
v3-2-1: Fixing hash of None
v3-2-0: Adding grep for search: object | grep(item)
v3-1-3: Unicode vs. Bytes default fix
v3-1-2: NotPresent Fix when item is added or removed.
v3-1-1: Bug fix when item value is None (#58)
v3-1-0: Serialization to/from json
v3-0-0: Introducing Tree View
v2-5-3: Bug fix on logging for content hash.
v2-5-2: Bug fixes on content hash.
v2-5-0: Adding ContentHash module to fix ignore_order once and for all.
v2-1-0: Adding Deep Search. Now you can search for item in an object.
v2-0-0: Exclusion patterns better coverage. Updating docs.
v1-8-0: Exclusion patterns.
v1-7-0: Deep Set comparison.
v1-6-0: Unifying key names. i.e newvalue is new_value now. For backward compatibility, newvalue still works.
v1-5-0: Fixing ignore order containers with unordered items. Adding significant digits when comparing decimals. Changes property is deprecated.
v1-1-0: Changing Set, Dictionary and Object Attribute Add/Removal to be reported as Set instead of List. Adding Pypy compatibility.
v1-0-2: Checking for ImmutableMapping type instead of dict
v1-0-1: Better ignore order support
v1-0-0: Restructuring output to make it more useful. This is NOT backward compatible.
v0-6-1: Fixiing iterables with unhashable when order is ignored
v0-6-0: Adding unicode support
v0-5-9: Adding decimal support
v0-5-8: Adding ignore order for unhashables support
v0-5-7: Adding ignore order support
v0-5-6: Adding slots support
v0-5-5: Adding loop detection
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