Thanks to the following people for their contributions:
Victor Hahn Castell for the tree view and major contributions:
nfvs for Travis-CI setup script.
brbsix for initial Py3 porting.
WangFenjin for unicode support.
timoilya for comparing list of sets when ignoring order.
Bernhard10 for significant digits comparison.
b-jazz for PEP257 cleanup, Standardize on full names, fixing line endings.
finnhughes for fixing slots
moloney for Unicode vs. Bytes default
serv-inc for adding help(deepdiff)
movermeyer for updating docs
maxrothman for search in inherited class attributes
maxrothman for search for types/objects
MartyHub for exclude regex paths
sreecodeslayer for DeepSearch match_string
Brian Maissy brianmaissy for weakref fix, enum tests
Bartosz Borowik boba-2 for Exclude types fix when ignoring order
Brian Maissy brianmaissy for fixing classes which inherit from classes with slots didn’t have all of their slots compared
Juan Soler Soleronline for adding ignore_type_number
mthaddon for adding timedelta diffing support
Necrophagos for Hashing of the number 1 vs. True
gaal-dev for adding exclude_obj_callback
Ivan Piskunov van-ess0 for deprecation warning enhancement.
Michał Karaś MKaras93 for the pretty view
Christian Kothe chkothe for the basic support for diffing numpy arrays
Timothy for truncate_datetime
d0b3rm4n for bugfix to not apply format to non numbers.
MyrikLD for Bug Fix NoneType in ignore type groups
Stian Jensen stianjensen for improving ignoring of NoneType in diff
Florian Klien flowolf for adding math_epsilon
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