Amazon S3 made simple for Python apps.

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Amazon S3 made simple for Python apps.

Published on Apr 10, 2016 by Sep Dehpour

Table Of Contents

From time to time I need to do some simple file/folder transfer/query from a Python app to a S3 bucket. There is a great Python library called Boto that offers a comprehensive low level interface to AWS. I consider it too low level for simple operations on S3. On the other hand there is a fantastic command line library called s3cmd written in Python but it is designed to be used from command line and not from Python apps. Every other Python library I found to be dealing with S3 buckets, seemed unmaintained.

That’s why I came up with S3utils. To make life easier for simple S3 operations from Python apps.

S3utils A user friendly interface to deal with Amazon S3 bucket and Cloud Front in Python.

The s3utils methods are made to be just like Linux commands so it is easy to remember and use.

Behind the scene it is a light Python wrapper around Amazon Boto library.


Install from PyPi:

pip install s3utils


Normal Setup 

>>> from s3utils import S3utils
>>> s3utils = S3utils(
... AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your access key',
... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your secret key',
... AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your bucket name',
... S3UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1,  # change it to 0 for less verbose
... )

Django Setup 

If you are using s3utils in Django, follow this:

in your settings file:

S3UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1  # change it to 0 for less verbose
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your access key'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your secret key'
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your bucket name'

in your code:

>>> from s3utils import S3utils
>>> s3utils = S3utils()

Later in your code if you want to overwrite your bucket name in your code from what it is in the Django settings:

>>> from s3utils import S3utils
>>> s3utils = S3utils(AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME='some other bucket')



So let’s start with a simple command: mkdir

Just what you would expect, it creates a folder on S3. Example:

>>> from s3utils import S3utils
>>> s3utils = S3utils(
... AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your access key',
... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your secret key',
... AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your bucket name',
... S3UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1,  #change it to 0 for less verbose
... )
>>> s3utils.mkdir("path/to/my_folder")
Making directory: path/to/my_folder


Copy a file or folder from local to S3.

Note: As of April 2016, S3utils does not currently support S3 to local direction. I plan to add it in future.

Cp Parameters 

  • local_path : string

    Path to file or folder. Or if you want to copy only the contents of folder, add /* at the end of folder name. Example: s3utils.cp("/copy/contents/of/*", "/somewhere/on/s3/")

  • target_path : string

    Target path on S3 bucket.

  • acl : string, optional

    File permissions on S3. Default is public-read

    acl options:

    • private: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has any access rights.
    • public-read: Owners gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted READ access.
    • public-read-write: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted READ and WRITE access.
    • authenticated-read: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and any principal authenticated as a registered Amazon S3 user is granted READ access
  • del_after_upload : boolean, optional

    delete the local file after uploading. This is effectively like moving the file. You can use instead of s3utils.cp to move files from local to S3. It basically sets this flag to True. default = False

  • overwrite : boolean, optional

    overwrites files on S3 if set to True. Default is True

  • invalidate : boolean, optional

    invalidates the CDN (a.k.a Distribution) cache if the file already exists on S3

    default = False

    Note that invalidation might take up to 15 minutes to take place. It is easier and faster to use cache buster to grab latest version of your file on CDN than invalidation.


>>> s3utils.cp("path/to/folder","/test/")
copying /path/to/myfolder/test2.txt to test/myfolder/test2.txt
copying /path/to/myfolder/test.txt to test/myfolder/test.txt
copying /path/to/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG to test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG
copying /path/to/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff to test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff

>>> # When overwrite is set to False:
>>> s3utils.cp("path/to/folder","/test/", overwrite=False)
test/myfolder/test2.txt already exist. Not overwriting.
test/myfolder/test.txt already exist. Not overwriting.
test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG already exist. Not overwriting.
test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff already exist. Not overwriting.

>>> # To overwrite the files on S3 and invalidate the CDN (cloudfront) cache so the new file goes on CDN:
>>> s3utils.cp("path/to/folder","/test/", overwrite=True, invalidate=True)
copying /path/to/myfolder/test2.txt to test/myfolder/test2.txt
copying /path/to/myfolder/test.txt to test/myfolder/test.txt
copying /path/to/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG to test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG
copying /path/to/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff to test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff


Move the file to the S3 and deletes the local copy

It is basically s3utils.cp that has del_after_upload=True


moving /path/to/myfolder/test2.txt to test/myfolder/test2.txt
moving /path/to/myfolder/test.txt to test/myfolder/test.txt
moving /path/to/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG to test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG
moving /path/to/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff to test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff


sets permissions (acl) for a file on S3

Chmod Parameters 

  • target_file : string

    Path to file on S3

  • acl : string, optional

    File permissions on S3. Default is public-read


  • private: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has any access rights.
  • public-read: Owners gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted READ access.
  • public-read-write: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted READ and WRITE access.
  • authenticated-read: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and any principal authenticated as a registered Amazon S3 user is granted READ access


>>> s3utils.chmod("path/to/file","private")


gets the list of file names (keys) in a s3 folder

Ls Parameters 

  • folder : string

    Path to file on S3

  • num: integer, optional

    number of results to return, by default it returns all results.

  • begin_from_file: string, optional

    which file to start from on S3. This is useful in case you are iterating over lists of files and you need to page the result by starting listing from a certain file and fetching certain num (number) of files.


>>> from s3utils import S3utils
>>> s3utils = S3utils(
... AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your access key',
... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your secret key',
... AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your bucket name',
... S3UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1,  #change it to 0 for less verbose
... )
>>> print"test/")
[u'test/myfolder/', u'test/myfolder/em/', u'test/myfolder/hoho/', u'test/myfolder/hoho/.DS_Store', u'test/myfolder/hoho/haha/', u'test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff', u'test/myfolder/hoho/haha/photo.JPG']


Get the list of files and permissions from S3

LL Parameters 

  • folder : string

    Path to file on S3

  • num: integer, optional

    number of results to return, by default it returns all results.

  • begin_from_file : string, optional

    which file to start from on S3.

    This is useful in case you are iterating over lists of files and you need to page the result by starting listing from a certain file and fetching certain num (number) of files.

  • all_grant_data : Boolean, optional

    More detailed file permission data will be returned.


>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> my_folder_stuff = s3utils.ll("/test/")
>>> pprint(my_folder_stuff, indent=2)
  "test/myfolder/": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
  "test/myfolder/em/": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
  "test/myfolder/hoho/": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
  "test/myfolder/hoho/.DS_Store": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
      "name": null,
      "permission": "READ"
  "test/myfolder/hoho/haha/": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
  "test/myfolder/hoho/haha/ff": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
      "name": null,
      "permission": "READ"
  "test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG": [
      "name": "owner's name",
      "permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
      "name": null,
      "permission": "READ"

Invalidate CDN 

Invalidate the CDN (distribution) cache for a certain file of files. This might take up to 15 minutes to be effective.

You can check for the invalidation status using check_invalidation_request.


>>> aa = s3utils.invalidate("test/myfolder/hoho/photo.JPG")
>>> print aa
('your distro id', u'your request id')
>>> invalidation_request_id = aa[1]
>>> bb = s3utils.check_invalidation_request(*aa)
>>> for inval in bb:
...     print('Object: %s, ID: %s, Status: %s' % (inval,, inval.status))


S3 Utils aims to give Python app developers, an easy to use, high level interface to Amazon S3 buckets. If you do find Sutils useful, please give it a star on github:

See Also

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