Introducing Qluster - ETL As Spreadsheet

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Introducing Qluster - ETL As Spreadsheet

Published on Oct 17, 2023 by Sep Dehpour

Table Of Contents

💥 Qluster 

Qluster recently graduated from the USC Marshall School Of Business Incubator and the Columbia Business School Accelerator (CAVA).

Where it came from? 

The insight came when I was running the Fair Search Team (RIP). We had just raised over $400 million in equity, burning cash like no other -WeWork excluded. The global search bar was the main interface to Fair’s car buying experience. There was a lot of pressure to deliver. Execs would put meetings on the calendar titled “Search is broken”. And I had to tell them: “Your search results are only as good as your data. Your data is broken, and that’s why your search is broken”. Since the search team was getting the heat, I had to fix data downstream in search when it should have been cleaned upstream at the ingestion point before we even had a chance to use it.

The core problem 

The core problem was that those who had the context of the data, like the operations folks, didn’t have the tools to fix the issues themselves. They had to rely on the engineers to do their job for them.

Introducing Qluster 

Fast forward to 2023, we built Qluster to allow non-engineers to fix moving data at scale. Fixing data at the point of ingestion - before it is used and consumed - dramatically decreases the cost to the business.

I am working with select number of clients as design partners. If you are interested in trying Qluster, please let me know!