grep is a more user friendly interface for DeepSearch. It takes exactly the same arguments as DeepSearch. And it works just like grep in linux shell! **Examples** Importing >>> from deepdiff import grep >>> from pprint import pprint Search in list for string >>> obj = ["long somewhere", "string", 0, "somewhere great!"] >>> item = "somewhere" >>> ds = obj | grep(item) >>> print(ds) {'matched_values': {'root[3]', 'root[0]'} Search in nested data for string >>> obj = ["something somewhere", {"long": "somewhere", "string": 2, 0: 0, "somewhere": "around"}] >>> item = "somewhere" >>> ds = obj | grep(item, verbose_level=2) >>> pprint(ds, indent=2) { 'matched_paths': {"root[1]['somewhere']": 'around'}, 'matched_values': { 'root[0]': 'something somewhere', "root[1]['long']": 'somewhere'}}