:doc:`/index` Authors ======= DeepDiff Core Developer: - Sep Dehpour - `Github `_ - `ZepWorks `_ - `Articles about Deepdiff `_ And many thanks to the following people for their contributions to DeepDiff! - Victor Hahn Castell for major contributions - `hahncastell.de `_ - `flexoptix.net `_ - nfvs for Travis-CI setup script. - brbsix for initial Py3 porting. - WangFenjin for Unicode support. - timoilya for comparing list of sets when ignoring order. - Bernhard10 for significant digits comparison. - b-jazz for PEP257 cleanup, Standardize on full names, fixing line endings. - finnhughes for fixing __slots__ - moloney for Unicode vs. Bytes default - serv-inc for adding help(deepdiff) - movermeyer for updating docs - maxrothman for search in inherited class attributes - maxrothman for search for types/objects - MartyHub for exclude regex paths - sreecodeslayer for DeepSearch match_string - Brian Maissy (brianmaissy) for weakref fix, enum tests - Bartosz Borowik (boba-2) for Exclude types fix when ignoring order - Brian Maissy (brianmaissy) for fixing classes which inherit from classes with slots didn't have all of their slots compared - Juan Soler (Soleronline) for adding ignore_type_number - mthaddon for adding timedelta diffing support - Necrophagos for Hashing of the number 1 vs. True - Hugo (hugovk) for fixes for Python 3.10 and dropping support for EOL Python 3.4 - Andrey Gavrilin (gaal-dev) for hashing classes. - gaal-dev for adding exclude_obj_callback - Ivan Piskunov (van-ess0) for deprecation warning enhancement. - Nathaniel Brown (nathanielobrown) Adds support for datetime.time - Michał Karaś (MKaras93) for the pretty view - Christian Kothe (chkothe) for the basic support for diffing numpy arrays - Timothy (timson) for truncate_datetime - d0b3rm4n for bugfix to not apply format to non numbers. Back to :doc:`/index`